Thursday, July 7, 2011

High paying jobs in Singapore?

Wonder what are the high-paying jobs in Singapore?
Looking for high-paying jobs in Singapore?
Or simply wanting to know what is the average monthly pay or income in Singapore to know if you are underpaid or fairly paid?

Then the following may interest you...
Results of the average (mean) monthly nominal earnings per employee per industry for first quarter 2011 by Ministry of Manpower are out...

Average (mean) monthly nominal earnings per employee per industry for first quarter 2011

Total average              $4,677

Financial & Insurance    $9,978
Information & Comms   $5,601
Professional services    $5,303
Manufacturing              $4,881
Community & Social      $4,881
Services                      $4,713
Transport and storage   $4,305
Wholesale & Retail       $3,904
Real Estate                  $3,739
Construction                $3,571
Admin & support           $2,775
Accommodation & Food  $1,634

So.. are you happy with what you are earning?
Are you paid "fairly" now that you know the "average" pay?

In any case.. if you are looking for a job or career... 
Don't be blinded by money.. 
Life is a lot more than materialistic pursuits...

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. agreed "Don't be blinded by money..
    Life is a lot more than materialistic pursuits..."

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