What is the main motivator for Singapore's top talent?
According to a survey by Morgan McKinley, a global professional services recruiter connecting specialist talent with leading employers across multiple industries and disciplines, MONEY IS NOT THE MAIN MOTIVATOR FOR SINGAPORE’S TOP TALENT.
So what must Singapore businesses do to retain top talent?
It said that Singapore
businesses need to consider more than boosting basic salary levels if they want
to keep their top talent.
So what are Singapore job seekers motivated by?
Morgan McKinley’s
latest Singapore job seeker survey shows that professional job seekers are
motivated more by opportunities for career progression than by money – nearly
two thirds cited lack of career progression as their main reason for leaving a
What proportion of job seeker leave solely based on dissatisfaction with basic salary?
Only 12% surveyed
were motivated to leave solely based on dissatisfaction with their basic salary.
How much salary hike does it take for an employee to job hop or jump ship?