Sunday, November 28, 2010

Investment Advice from Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers - Credit below pic

  1. Get out of the US dollar
  2. Buy commodities
  3. Invest in China

What business journalist Gabriel Chen learnt from and the insights given to him by Jim Rogers, the former business partner of hedge fund icon George Soros.

Act on your Convictions with Discipline

How Jim Rogers demonstrated that? 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NUS NTU SMU - Which University's graduates get paid the most?

Ever wondered is there any difference among the business schools of National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU)?

Most importantly, of the three universities in Singapore, which has the highest paid fresh graduates and employment rate?

NUS Business School



After reading about

Average Monthly Pay and Salaries in Singapore

Best Paying Jobs in Singapore

Top 50 Median Monthly Gross Wages and Salaries of High Salary Occupations in Singapore

This may interest you as well..

The results of the 2009 Graduate Employment Survey:  

Monday, November 15, 2010

Supplementary Retirement Scheme - Save on Taxes through SRS

How to save on taxesLorna Tan, Senior Correspondent, shows you how with her article “Saving a little today will go a long way – Supplementary Retirement Scheme lets you save on taxes while you build your nest egg” in The Sunday Times November 14, 2010.

Key points of the Supplementary Retirement Scheme as given in the article:

  • Voluntary Programme ideal for middle- to high-income earners
  • Retirement savings with tax relief
  • Withdrawals of SRS after the statutory retirement age (at the time of contribution) comes with a 50% tax concession
  • SRS withdrawals can be spread over 10 years
  • Penalty for early withdrawals 100% of taxable + 5% penalty 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Average Monthly Pay and Salaries in Singapore

Average monthly earnings and wages in Singapore - have you ever wondered what is the amount?
Have you ever wondered how your salary and wage compare to the average Singaporean?

In addition to two of the most searched and read entries in this blog

Best Paying Jobs in Singapore

Top 50 Median Monthly Gross Wages and Salaries of High Salary Occupations in Singapore

Here is the Average Monthly Pay and Salaries in Singapore

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Beginnings of tenCube and WaveSecure

Remember the previous entry on tenCube - Singapore's $15million company?
I was happy reading the news as it is a Singapore company and the founders came from NUS!

Find out how the founders of tenCube and WaveSecure got their beginnings as I was sent a copy of Knowledge Enterprise, a publication of National University of Singapore (NUS) to keep alumnus like me updated on what's happening in NUS.

tenCube founders from left: Mr Varun Chatterji, Mr Darius Cheung, Mr Indradeep Biswas and Mr Rishi Israni (Pic from Knowledge Enterprise)